There is nothing more beautiful than a Texas sunset. As the sun slowly falls from the sky, shadows lengthen on the ground. But above the ground, the leaf canopy on trees begins to sparkle with light as the sun paints the sky with a pallet of reds, yellows and blues.
Evening Falls8"x8" oil on canvas |
"Evening Falls" didn't come from a photo, although most of my work comes from images I capture by camera. One afternoon in my garage studio, I was playing around with yellows, blues and reds and this image emerged from my strokes. I began to contrast the glowing sunset with it's impact on the ground below. It's always fascinating to watch shadow and light change the lower the sun sets in the horizon.
This painting also encourages me to think of beauty in darkness. There is a lot of darkness around us, but we can be the light of the world and create color and sparkle wherever we are. I know people who look like they are in darkness all the time. Their bitterness, sadness and contempt of other people makes them look like ghosts in the shadows. Other people I know bring light and color when they walk into darkness. These are people that bless our lives in so many ways. Their fun to be around and they bring goodness and grace to every situation in life. I hope I'm one of those people.
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