Unemployment Has It's Advantages
My last couple of days of employment with Vanderbloemen Search Group is drawing to a close. I am so appreciative of their generosity over the past couple of months. But, I am entering new territory. Something that has never happened to me. Unemployment. There was a time in my life when I never imagined myself in this situation. But don't feel sorry for me. I'm where I am today because I believe God called us to move back to the DFW area. Without a job. Without answers to questions. Without much of anything but a burning desire to follow Him. God's in control and He has a plan. It's really fascinating to live life each day not knowing the future. It's the greatest faith journey I've ever embarked upon. Please pray for Dedo and I during this time of transition.

In the meantime, I'm still painting. It seems harder to get inspired to paint in my crazy temporary world. I made myself get out to the studio (garage) yesterday and paint. What a blessing. I felt so much better. I started a portrait of my son Cameron (@camronmitchell). I've never done a portrait so this is a huge challenge to me. While painting him, I couldn't help but think about how much I miss him. Since he left home to go to LA, he has became a grown man. I'm amazed at what he has done the past three years. I'm reminded that parents parent. Forever.
Recently, Cameron asked for this painting. First time ever he has even noticed my paintings. let alone comment on them. Greatest day in my life. I don't care what you think, he loved it and that's all that matters to me. Have a great day!
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